July 25th – 27th – Moke Club National – Suffolk
The 2025 national will be based at The Hollies caravan and Camping Site at Kessingland, Lowestoft, NR33 7PQ – https://www.thehollieskessingland.co.uk
To book, phone 01502 507030 and mention the Mini Moke Club for a 10% discount, as arranged with staff member Christene.
The Hayfield (our allotted field) has 20 plus pitches, both tent and motorhomes etc. So the sooner you book, the more chance we have of exclusive use (as other can also book The Hayfield).
Also, there are permanent safari tents available, which are like mobile homes made of canvas.
Prices for tourers, motorhomes and tents (includes 2 people and electrical hookup) – £28.00, additional adult £4.00, additional child £3.50, awning £4.00, gazebo £11.00. These are per night and do not include the discount.
You can book from these details now and there will be further details to follow.
There are lots and B&Bs and hotels close by.
Paul and Louisa Upton are the organisers: paul.upton@mokeclub.org